
October Sterilization Blitz

19 y 20 de OctubreSabado y DomingoLlevalas de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm Salon Independencia Avda.Independencia #82Colonia Independencia Que Debes Hacer?.  Puedes operar a tu mascota si tiene 4 meses de edad o mas,  Tu mascota no debe comer ni beber 12…

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New clinic in San Rafael

The Amigos Clinic serving the needs of pets of low income residents opened its doors on  July 1, 2013.  Thank you Delphine Scott and Roberto Medina for providing us with this beautiful space and building us such a wonderful Clinic.…

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Amigos surpasses 14,000 sterilizations

Now that 2013 is coming to an end, we are pleased to announce that, as of the end of November, we have sterilized 14,131 dogs and cats.  Consider the geometric progression, and you can see that we are making a…

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Congratulations Amigos!

At last weekend’s Blitz,  171 dogs and cats were sterilized! Dogs: 77 Female, 39 Male   –   Cats: 35 Female, 20 Male As of January 14, 2013, Amigos has sterilized 13,053 dogs and cats since its inception in 20002. Please click on the Donate…

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Amigos Semi-Annual Report

Since its inception in 2oo2, Amigos has sterilized 12,304 animals Totals for January-June 2012: We must continue to increase sterilizations, so that in the long run, these high euthanasia numbers can be greatly reduced.  Dogs brought to the Pound have only a few…

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